DIY Picture board

  • 1/4 - 3/8" thick plywood (cut to desired size)
  • batting
  • fabric
  • ribbon
  • staple gun/staples
  • rubber mallet
  • ruler/straight edge

Work on a large flat surface. 

  1. Center plywood on batting. Cut batting leaving an excess of 3 inches all around each side
  2. Wrap one edge of batting over plywood and staple to back of board. Repeat on remaining sides, Be sure to keep batting tight along the process
  3. Lay fabric on table and center board on fabric. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to staple fabric to board
  4. Layer ribbon in desired pattern and staple to back of board
  5. Use upholstery tacks at desired locations and nail to front of board with a rubber mallet